The leadership of the church shall be vested in the Assembly of Elders who are responsible for overseeing the ministry of the church, teach the Word, and tending the flock of God. The Elders shall be equal in authority but may be specialized in function.
In accordance with scripture (James 5:14-15; 1 Peter 5:1-3), members of the Assembly of Elders are responsible to provide spiritual counsel, teach and defend the truth of the gospel, encourage the church and pastoral staff, pray for the membership, oversee the spiritual needs and direction of the church, and always seek the spiritual welfare of the membership. In particular, the Assembly of Elders shall oversee the Members’ Meetings, they shall prayerfully labor with wayward members, and when discipline is demanded they shall recommend appropriate action to the church. They shall review the church roll annually and make necessary recommendations to the church.
The Deacons shall number not less than five men, provided there are enough qualified men available. Each Deacon shall minister approximately 12 families, not to exceed 20 families.
Deacons shall serve a five-year term. It shall be the duty of the Deacons to cooperate with the Elders. Their task is to serve with the Elders and staff in performing the pastoral ministries of leading the church in the achievement of its mission, its mission objective and church foals; proclaiming the gospel to believers and unbelievers; caring for the church’s members and other persons in the community; prepare and assist in the administration of the church ordinances. They shall always seek the common welfare of the church.
The Trustees shall number two and shall rotate on a staggered three-year basis. They are officers of the corporation and shall act on behalf of the church on all legal matters as delegated by the church.
General Treasurer
The General Treasurer, or Assistance in his absence, shall be the custodian of all monies belonging to the church. He shall, without special vote or authority, pay out of the church funds available for the purpose, all budgeted items and shall pay other bills, limited to $400, only after they have been approved by the Lead Elder, Chairman of the Deacons, or the department head. He shall keep a record of all receipts and disbursements and shall present both monthly and annual financial reports.
Financial Secretary
The Financial Secretary shall oversee the individual record book and shall enter therein all contributions (from envelopes) made to the church. A yearly statement shall be rendered to the membership, and upon request from any member, shall be given such member information regarding his/her contributions. Records shall be kept in such way as to facilitate an annual audit.
The clerk shall keep an accurate and permanent record of proceedings of all regular and special meetings. Keep a registry of membership, issue letters of dismissal and certificates of standing as directed by the church, be responsible for the records of the church, and shall assist the Elders with certain official church correspondence.